Angel from Sky

Hi there, I'm Jess and I'm just 20 years old! Nature and traveling are my passions. I've got big dreams of exploring the world someday, visiting different corners of the planet. I've got a special place in my heart for animals – cats, in particular, have a way of melting me. Henry, my own cat, is my weakness and my buddy. A huge aspiration of mine is to become a businesswoman (how cool would that be?) and create a haven for homeless animals. I envision a world where every furry friend has their own little haven. They're so vulnerable and deserve all the warmth human hearts can offer. I'm also quite the sporty gal and love going for evening runs in the park. My creative outlet is drawing; I let my imagination flow onto paper whenever inspiration strikes. It's such a pleasure to welcome you here, and I'm confident that we'll hit it off and become friends. Lately, I've taken up a new hobby – sewing. Though it started as a pastime, it's becoming so much more to me. I've been crafting underwear and each time, I manage to outdo myself. I've even started dreaming about having my own lingerie store one day (a bit ambitious, maybe?). But hey, dreams are meant to be pursued, and I truly believe I can make it happen.

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